Selasa, 04 Desember 2007

Perspective: Documentary in Humanity

""If we start by changing our image of the world, we'll end up changing the world" - wim wenders

The documentaries below are trying to change the image of the world, and we believe that someday, documentary could change the world it self.

This year, FFD in perspective section celebrates the festival with special focus in humanity. Compiling documentary from around the world, in order to guide you
to take a look back to the past, seeing what happen in present and hopefully we can imagine what can we do in the future. through documentary, with the perspective of humanity.

In this section, FFD with a guest programmer, Ohsie Acosta (Cinemanila), bring you to take a look back in the last five years humanity history in South east Asia in Take a look Back to The SEA. Also some short Documentary in Short Perspective program.

Prepare your eye drop, encourage your heart and lets travels around the world of Humanity.

1 komentar:

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