Senin, 03 Desember 2007

Take a Look Back to The SEA

(South East Asia on Perspective of Humanity) Special program on perspective, The last five year Humanity story in South East Asia. Guest programmer: Ohsie Acosta.

Aki Ra’s Boys

Directors: Lynn Lee, James Leong, Prod: Lianain Films, 56 min, Singapore/ Vietnam, 2007

Boreak kehilangan lengan kanannya karena terkena ranjau darat saat masih berumur 6 tahun. Tak mampu memberi makan dan stress harus mengurusi Boreak dan delapan anak yang lain, Orang tua Boreak memutuskan untuk mengirimkan mereka ke sebuah rumah untuk anak-anak korban ranjau di Siem Reap. Aki Ra, mantan tentara anak-anak yang dilatih oleh Khmer untuk memasang ranjau darat, yang kini berusia 30 tahun, dihantui oleh kekerasan masa lalunya dan berharap untuk membayarnya dengan memberikan rumah bagi anak-anak seperti Boreak dan membantu membersihkan jutaan ranjau yang masih tertanam di negeri itu. Perjalanan menuju ladang ranjau menunjukkan kepada kita betapa mengerikannya pekerjaan Aki Ra. Dalam perjalanan ini, dia menemukan dua ranjau. Tapi masih sangat banyak lagi ranjau yang mesti ditemukan. Menunggu untuk disingkirkan.

Boreak was six when he lost his right arm in a landmine accident. Family members rushed the young Cambodian to a nearby hospital where so-called "doctors" performed a crude amputation. Burdened with eight other children to feed and unable to cope with the stress of handling a crippled son. Aki Ra, a former child soldier, trained by the Khmer Rogue army to lay landmines. Now in his 30s, Aki Ra is haunted by his violent past and hopes to make amends by giving children like Boreak a home, and by helping remove the millions of landmines still buried in his country. A journey into the minefields shows us just how treacherous Aki Ra’s job is. On this trip, he removes two mines. But there are many more waiting to be found. Waiting to wreak havoc.

Selasa, Dec 11 | 13.00 | Vredeburg 1

Rabu, Dec 12 | 19.00 | Vredeburg 2

Playing between Elephants

Aryo Danusiri, Indonesia, 2007, prod: UN – HABITAT Indonesia, 90 min

Setahun setelah tsunami di desa Geunting Timur, Aceh, UN-Habitat merencanakan untuk membangun kembali rumah-rumah warga. Ini adalah pangkal mula dari masalah yang dihadapi Geuchik atau kepala desa, ia mencoba untuk mengurusi semua bantuan yang masuk. Lalu masalah datang silih-berganti: kecelakaan, kebakaran, kualitas bahan baku, dan lain-lain. Ketika dia mencoba untuk bertahan menjalankan proyek itu, para tetua, penduduk desa, buruh bangunan, staf UN bertindak dan berbicara semaunya. Suatu hari dia akhirnya melampiaskan kekesalannya di sebuah rapat warga.

A year has passed since the tsunami in the village of Geunting Timur in Aceh, the UN-Habitat plan to rebuild homes is finally underway. However, this also signals the beginning of the village head’s days of strife as he attempts to take control of the situation as well as aid money and supplies, he scrambles to deal with various village dramas such as accidents and massive fires. While he strives to keep the project moving the local elders, villagers, construction workers and UN staff act and speak as they will. One day, he finally vents his frustration at village gathering. As he looks up the sky, holding a bolt that fell from the bridge, making it sway every time a truck full of resources passes through, we wonder what will become of the village head and his village.

Yamagata International Documentary Film Festival

Selasa, Dec 11 | 14.00| Vredeburg 1

Sabtu, Dec 15 | 14.30 | Vredeburg 2

Village People Radio Show (Apa Khabar Orang Kampung)

Amir Muhammad, Malaysia 2007 ,

Production: Da Huang Pictures, Kuala Lumpur Running time: 72 minutes

Mantan anggota partai komunis Malaysia yang dilarang menceritakan kisahnya. Mereka tinggal di pengasingan di Thailand. Ingatan-ingatan mereka tentang perjuangan bawah tanah selama berpuluh-puluh tahun yang terganggu. Mengesampingkan peran mereka dalam perang kemerdekaan, partai ini selalu dikaitkan erat dengan Cina dan paham atheis mereka, di negara yang didominasi oleh warga muslim.

Former members of the outlawed Communist Party of Malaysia tell their story. They live as farmers in exile in Thailand. Their memories of the decades-long guerilla war are interrupted by signs of disturbance and interwoven with a popular Thai radio play. Despite their participation in the battle for the country’s independence, the party was constantly accused of being tied to China and their atheistic philosophy in a Muslim dominated country.

Selasa, Dec 11 | 15.30 | Vredeburg 1

Kamis, Dec 13 | 17.00 | LIP

Match Made

Mirabelle Ang, 48 min, Singapore/ Vietnam, prod. Mirabelle Ang, 2006

Di satu sisi kemiskinan petani Vietnam dan di sisi lainnya adalah dinamisme kapitalisme bangsa Asia. Dua hal inilah yang menjadi penyubur sebuah perdagangan baru di Ho Chi Minh: agen jodoh. Di sana, orang-orang kaya keturunan Cina dari Singapura atau Taiwan bisa membeli istri yang sesuai dengan keinginannya. Agen ini akan mengurusi semuanya, mulai dari merekrut gadis-gadis desa sampai audisi di ruang hotel, dari kelengkapan administrasi pernikahan sampai upacara pernikahan, dari kompensasi untuk orang tua pengantin wanita sampai surat kesehatan, pasport dan juga dokumentasi

On the one hand, the poverty of the Vietnamese peasants and, on the other, the dynamism of Asian capitalism. These two ingredients are at the root of a flourishing trade in Ho Chi Minh Ville: the marriage agencies. There, the rich Chinese from Singapore or Taiwan can buy a wife to match their needs. The agency takes everything in hand, from recruiting village girls through to the “auditions” in a hotel room, from the administrative formalities to the wedding ceremony, from compensation for the parents to the fresh young bride’s passport, from the medical certificate to the souvenir photos

Sabtu, Dec 15 |14.15 | Vredeburg 1

Bangkok Girl

Jordan Clark 50 min, Canada/ Thailand, prod: High Bank Entertainment ltd and CBC News World, 2005

Film ini mengajak kita mengintip dunia kelam industri pariwisata seksual yang sedang booming, melalui perspektif Pla, seorang gadis penjaga bar berusia 19 tahun. Pla bekerja di bar semenjak umur 13 tahun, sejauh ini berhasil menghindar untuk tidak melacurkan dirinya kendati hal itu jamak terjadi di sekelilingnya. Sebuah profesi yang dianggap umum bagi gadis-gadis muda di Thailand. Kehadiran orang-orang asing ke Thailand telah mengubah kota ini, tidak hanya pada aspek ekonomi, tapi juga peri kehidupan dengan segala hasrat mereka. Film ini merangkum perspektif seorang gadis muda dalam melihat pola kehidupan Barat, menantang praktek industri pariwisata seksual yang diterima mapan di masyarakat.

This documentary provides a glimpse into Thailand's notorious and booming sex tourism industry through the experiences of a 19-year-old bar girl named Pla. Working in the bars from the age of thirteen, Pla has managed to avoid selling her body a remarkable revelation given her surroundings but her refusal to take part in this all-too-common profession for young Thai women cannot last. The introduction of falangs, or foreigners, to Thailand has forever changed the city, the economy, the Thai people's lives and desires. A daring and unabashed look at a popular Western predilection through the eyes of one girl, this film challenges the accepted worldwide practice of sex tourism.

Selasa, Dec 11 | 20.00 | Kinoki

Ah Kew The Digger

Khoo Eng Yow , malaysia, Duration : 72 mins, 2004

Mengikuti kisah kerja keras seorang pria bernama Lee Eng Kew alias Ah Kew, seorang penulis lepas dan ahli sejarah, yang menelusuri kuil-kuil dan makam-makam di Taiping untuk mengarsipkan epitaph, menelusuri rentang masa lalu, dan mencatat kisah sejarah wilayah itu. Ah Kew adalah seorang pencerita yang baik, kisah-kisahnya tentang pahlawan-pahlawan Malaysia sungguh inspiratif.

Follow the efforts of one man - Lee Eng Kew, a.k.a, Ah Kew, a freelance writer and field historian, as he explores temples and graveyards in Taiping to archive epitaphs, trace lineage and record the history of the land. Ah Kew is a candid and engaging storyteller, and his recalling of early Malaysian heroes and outlaws is inspiring.

Rabu, Dec 12 | 16.00 | Vredeburg 2

The Water Bearer

Pascal Gélinas, 52, Canada/Indonesia, 2006

Sementara masyarakat Barat menyatakan perang terhadap teroris, seperti teror bom dan pembunuhan yang mengguncang kedamaian, hal yang sangat lain terjadi di sini. Film ini mengikuti kerja keras para lelaki dan perempuan di Pulau Flores, Indonesia, untuk menelusuri kembali kehidupan mereka sehari-hari setelah 32 tahun di bawah rezim orba. Dengan kesamaan yang berpangkal pada masalah air bersih, warga Katolik dan Muslim bekerja bersama-sama, sebuah terapan demokrasi langsung antara mereka demi otonomi yang berkesinambungan.

While the West is battling it out with teroris as bombs and killings break a fragile peace, this film follows the efforts made by the men and women of Florès Island in Indonesia, to re-invent their daily lives after 32 years of dictatorship. Amongst them, we find a Canadian, Gilles Raymond, in search of a code of ethics where action coincides with words. Through the simple quest for clean running water, Catholics and Muslims work together to instil a direct democracy and sustainable autonomy. This is a road movie of sorts, the ancient Ngada warrior culture serving as a backdrop, where solidarity rubs shoulders with defeatism and generosity overcomes corruption. Beyond money, beyond religion and politics, this film reminds us that all men are born brothers.

Jum’at, Dec 14| 19.00 | Kinoki

Innocence (Dek Toh)

Areeya Chumsai, Nisa Kongsri, Thailand, 100 min, prod: Pig-O’-Nine Co., Ltd, 2005

Di pegunungan utara Chiang Mai ada satu sekolah dengan para guru dan siswa dari suku bangsa berbeda, berbicara dengan bahasa yang berbeda. Mereka semua hidup bersama-sama, menanam tanaman mereka sendiri, memasak makanan mereka sendiri, dan meneruskan pendidikan jauh dari kampung mereka. Tiap-Tiap anak gunung, yang lahir dan dibesarkan di utara, ingin mengetahui di manakah sungai berakhir. Tetapi tanpa uang dan kendaraan, samudra adalah tempat yang jauh sekali, sejauh bulan. Sebagai hadiah untuk para siswa yang lulus, para guru akan mengadakan pesta kelulusan di tempat di mana sungai berujung. Perjalanan mereka bukan hanya sebuah perjalanan ke samudra, dunia entah di luar kampung mereka, tetapi juga suatu perjalanan untuk tumbuh dari masa kanak-kanak ke kedewasaan dan juga pilihan-pilihan yang akan mereka hadapi di kehidupan kemudian.

In the mountains north of Chiang Mai is a school. And in that school is a community of teachers and students from different tribes, speaking different tribal languages, all living together, raising their own crops, cooking their meals and continuing their education far from their villages. Every mountain child, born and raised in the north with the mountain stream running down the side of their village wants to know where the river ends. But without money, without transportation down the mountain, the ocean is as far away as the moon. As a reward for the students who complete their education, the teachers will take the graduating class to the water’s end. Their journey isn’t just about going to the ocean, a world beyond their village, but also an internal journey to grow from childhood to adulthood and the choices they will have to make toward that transition.

Selasa, Dec 13 | 13.00 | LIP

Kamis, Dec 13 | 20.30| Vredeburg 2


Jack Silberman, Prod: Lumiere Productions Inc, 57 minutes, Canada, 2002

Antara 1964 dan 1973, Amerika Serikat melakukan operasi rahasia perang udara, menjatuhkan lebih dari 2 juta ton bom dan membuat Laos yang sempit sebagai negara korban pemboman terbesar sepanjang sejarah. Jutaan cluster bom tidak meledak saat dijatuhkan, hasilnya, negara ini terkontaminasi bom yang masih berbahaya, seperti saat dijatuhkan 30 tahun lalu. Bombies menelisik masalah cluster bomb ini melalui pengalaman sebuah kelompok masyarakat Laos dan pendatang yang memperjuangkan pelarangan senjata itu dalam peperangan. Ironisnya, cluster bomb ini masih menjadi standar operasi angkatan bersenjata Amerika, seperti halnya yang dijatuhkan di Kosovo, Afghanistan, dan Irak

Between 1964 and 1973 the United States conducted a secret air war, dropping over 2 million tons of bombs and making tiny Laos the most heavily bombed country in history. Millions of these 'cluster bombs' did not explode when dropped, leaving the country massively contaminated with 'bombies' as dangerous now as when they fell 30 years ago. Bombies examines the problem of unexploded cluster bombs through the personal experiences of a group of Laotians and foreigners and argues for their elimination as a weapon of war. Unfortunately they are still a standard part of the US arsenal and were dropped in Kosovo, Afghanistan and Iraq.

Selasa, Dec 11 | 19.00 | Kinoki

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